Our next-generation Hospital Management Software that is powerful, flexible & easy to use and has been designed & developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals.
Through a dedicated healthcare practice group, MonkPort has created a revolutionary IT system that facilitates hospitals for delivering effective, patient-centric services
This software helps you to track all the profits, loss, profitable clients and products of medical shops,Lab Tests, Surgery, OP registration, IP Patients report.
Single window multi login system.(Maintain multi branches in single server. It’s used for reduce work pattern)
Work with online/offline
Fully web based software
Fully support for mobile software
Interlink between website and HMS
Generating Daily E-mail report to Hospital manager
We are providing open source application
Automatic SMS / E-MAIL Integration from sender to receiver
In Daily Basis Automatic Daily collection report will be send to Managing Heads
Door Locking System
Bio-Metric Integration with Payroll
In Wifi, We provide a individual username and password to each customers, we can set limited speed for each customers.